What Is Target Blank Link

What is a Target Blank Link?

A target blank link is, as its name suggests, a word, phrase, or image that, once clicked, ends up on another website or place.

However, the target blank additive implies a rather peculiar property, which is that this redirection is dispensed through a new tab of your browser.

When you browse, it’s common for clicking on a link to require you to go to a different page within the same tab you’re in (unless you click on a facultative button).

This mechanism is quite annoying for those who move a lot through the networks and gather information on an issue because it forces them to travel back on more than one occasion to enter a page of interest.

With the target blank link, this drawback disappears. Clicking thereon takes the user to a different content; yes; however, everything is now completed in a completely different tab, keeping the previous page within the tab you were in and allowing you to accumulate as many as you want, as long as the online browser and therefore the laptop permit it.


It is a mechanism that’s widespread on the web, which the general public doesn’t even understand while browsing.

Its presence is obvious, and its quality is even better, therefore, particularly once it involves talking about SEO and the length of remaining websites.

Target Blank Link

What is a link target blank for?

The Link target blank serves to produce a lot of comfort for the user while browsing. Due to it, it will visit completely different pages through links, without concern that any of the visited pages are going to be replaced by another once it continues to explore the network and has the ability to own all the tabs it needs.

Its use is particularly necessary in terms of SEO positioning in Google since it helps to extend the time an individual is on a very specific portal and, therefore, Google considers it as an area of interest, giving it an improved positioning.

It is conjointly of interest in specific businesses, like e-commerce, where the target blank is employed to consult a good variety of various products while not losing the search created.


Link to Target Blank Examples

There are several cases of target blank links, and they will be forced if you click on a link with the correct push and check the choice “Open link in a new tab”.

If you enter the 4OURYOU home page and scroll right down to see its links to social networks, any of them, once clicked, can open in another tab. They’re clear cases of linking target blank.