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How to get Likes on Instagram Photos Free Tips for Our Customers
Instagram is a great way to get likes on Instagram photos and share your favorite memories or moments with friends, family, or followers. If the number of likes is too low despite posting a lot of photos, please refer to the article below to receive more likes.
Using hashtags
One Hashtag is an easy and convenient way to categorize photos by keywords. Hashtags are more likely to get likes because they help other users discover your photos.
The more hashtags you use, the more frequently your photos are exposed and the number of shares they share.
Add as many hashtags as possible to one photo. For example, the possible hashtags for a picture of a dachshund dog are #dachshund, #dog, and #pet.
Add the most popular hashtags. Among the popular hashtags are #love, #me, #cute, #Friday and #coffee.
Search, find and use hashtag trends. It should also be understood that using popular hashtags, on the other hand, may make it harder to get likes among competing photos.
You can also like many photos by finding 4ouryou SMM panel or #like4like. Not everyone likes to get it back, but it’s still a way to get likes back.
Use photo filters. I use a filter app for photo editing and retouching. Early-bird, X-Proll, Aviary, and Valencia are popular filters with good photo retouching effects
Edit your photos with the filter app to make them more special and attractive. Camera+, Pro HDR, Snap-seed, and Pixlr-o-Matic are recommended.
Find the Best Photos People Want
Post the correct picture. Sometimes people take pictures of their lunches, their cats, or empty beer glasses. If you want to get more likes, think of Instagram as a kind of gallery. The goal is to showcase the best, high-quality photos, and the high-quality photos are more likely to get likes on Instagram. Note that the following types of photos appeal to people better.
Do not upload more than 3 similar photos as they are. Choose one of the best photos out of them.
Choose and post the best ones that show people important to you, friends or family, etc.
Post a photo from a special or fresh perspective. Because people like special photos that they have never seen before.
Post a picture of your pet. A good photo of a puppy or kitten can guarantee a lot of likes. It is better to choose one in which the pet in the photo is taking a special pose or doing something.
Don’t post too many food photos. Everyone tends to post too many food photos, but in fact, it’s better to only post a few photos that stand out.
Use an app like Diptic to combine multiple photos into a single photo. You can put 4 similar photos in one frame, or you can put photos that show different aspects of one trip or event.
Users who are active on Instagram get more likes. Spend some time doing activities like liking or commenting on a friend’s photo. If you do this, they will respond too. And if you don’t recognize your followers’ photos, they won’t recognize your photos either.
Spend Enough Time on Instagram
There are times when it comes to posting pictures. You can post the world’s finest photos on Instagram, but it won’t work if it’s midnight.
Count the hours, as most photography works only in the first few hours. See below to find out when is the right time to post your photos.
It’s good to post pictures during the day because it’s also a time when people get tired of work and browse the internet for a while.
In the early morning, like 5-6 am, most of them are busy with work, so it is difficult to see photos, so it is better not to post at this time.
I post a picture when a little time has passed after dinner. This is because they feel tired after dinner and use the Internet during rest.
Post a photo on a special day. Great for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. Of course, each of us is busy with the day, so we may not be able to see the photos, but it is because there is a high chance that we will check the photos.
Do not post photos on Friday and Saturday evenings. People can see your photos, but they don’t want to be seen or acknowledged on Instagram or look at them, doing nothing on weekends or Friday evenings.
After posting a photo, comment on your friend’s photo. You can also like a few photos to get your friends’ attention.
Link your Facebook and Instagram accounts. It can be done in one minute, but it is a way to show your posts to more people.
Use other applications
Use another application. Thousands of apps can be found in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and you can use them to earn “coins” and use that money to buy likes.
Take a look at one of them in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Search for “Instagram likes”, and “buy Instagram likes” with keywords.
Is it better to use more #hashtags on Instagram Like Increase?
Top Post (Popular Posts) and Most Recent (Recent Photos) contents of “Hash Tag Search Results” look the same to all users. This means that the list of posts viewed on my friend’s phone and the list view on my phone is the same.
Considering the above facts, of course, the more hashtags you use, the more exposure your posts will get and the more likes you will receive.
This is because if you use only one hashtag, it will be exposed in only one hashtag search result, but if you use 10 hashtags, it will be exposed in 10 search results.
The number of hashtags used and the average number of likes increase almost in proportion.
But because of this, users start spamming hashtags to get more likes. All posts, whether related to the content or not, simply use as many hashtags as possible before posting.
Instagram’s countermeasures against this were largely one-dimensional, limiting the maximum number of hashtags to 30 (counting as one in case of duplicate tags), using too many hashtags, or posting the same hashtag to all posts. When pasting to, an error appears and the post or comment is not posted.
Up to 4-5 Hashtags
If you look at the data above, up to 4-5 hashtags, there is a modest increase, but after that, it shows almost the same or a slight decrease.
So, does that mean that Instagram now changes the algorithm for posting hashtags and weights differently according to the number of hashtags used?
If the above hypothesis is correct, the graph comes out significantly lower at 0, where hashtags are not used at all and should be kept constant in the remaining sections, but the graph above cannot be seen as such.
It came out the lowest at 0 hashtag usage, but why does it increase and then decrease again in 4-5 revisions?
This is because the number of followers by hashtag usage behavior is not taken into account, although the number of likes on my posts is largely dependent on how many followers I have.
For example, in the case of users who do not use hashtags, most of them share their posts with a small number of acquaintances. If they are different, the average number of likes will of course be different.
Assuming that the number of followers and the average number of likes are proportional.
To more accurately explain the correlation between the number of hashtags used and the number of likes. It is necessary to look at the graph of hashtag usage vs. ” Followers vs. Likes”.
However, as explained before, accurate analysis is possible only with a graph that controls the variable of “average number of followers by hashtag usage behavior”. This means that the average number of likes depends on how many followers you have.
Therefore, I set the axis as “average number of likes versus followers ” rather than “average number of likes ” and examined whether the corresponding data significantly fluctuates by the number of hashtags.
The number of hashtags used and the number of posts Instagram likes are irrelevant.
One strange thing is that if you didn’t use the hashtag at all, you got about 60% more likes than the average, but if you didn’t use the hashtag, the parameter was large enough, so it doesn’t look like a data error. As for the hypothesis here.
Because people hate hashtags, they respond better to posts without hashtags.
If hashtags are not used, a larger percentage of followers are active followers who actively respond to my posts, such as acquaintances, because they are users who do not intend to publicly promote their posts.
If Instagram’s post-exposure algorithm is a way to keep the total amount constant by reducing the amount of exposure shown to followers as much as the amount exposed when searching for a tag.
There are no hashtags, the ratio of exposure to my followers is 100% and can lead to more responses as a result.
There may be, but there seems to be no way to prove it experimentally, and in my opinion, the last hypothesis seems the most plausible. Lastly, let’s check one more assumption that has been skipped since it’s so obvious that we don’t even have to do it…
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