How Many SMM Agency Clients Am I Capturing Right Now Through My Blog?

How Many SMM Agency Clients Am I Capturing Right Now Through My Blog?

I haven’t looked at the stats on this blog in a long time. The last time on average about 1,000 people a day entered here on SMM agency. Most through Google. Many continue to read this blog daily and buy my digital Papal SMM Panel services. Every time someone tells me about it, they ask me. “Why?”

You may also have noticed that I have had a banner on the page that leads to, our SMM agency page, for a long time. We will set up a new page shortly, although it may take a little longer for you to see it. I have left the task in the hands of a person who in theory does not have the experience to carry it out. It will be an agile process where we will adapt the result little by little until it can be shown to the world.

SMM Agency

Clients who contact me through the blog and social networks

Before there were more but right now I would say that the figure has dropped to 1 person every 3-6 months. I recently received an email that a person from my team is managing. If you look at the calls to action on this blog to capture leads, it is disastrous. Very rarely will you see in my most recent posts a text such as “if you need an SMM agency to… contact me through…” The reason behind it is very simple, although there are several.

I am at the limit of my possibilities. To accept a new client it has to be either a very attractive and/or very profitable project. The entrepreneur profile that reads this blog is typically in its infancy and does not have a worthwhile budget (things as they are).

The Spanish client is typically not the best payer. I’m a bit spoiled with my German clients. If I look at paid invoices among the client portfolio that I have right now, the only pending payment is from my Spanish client. With that I tell you everything.

If I wanted to change things, I would have to turn this blog into a lead generation machine:

Update my page about me, add the services I offer, change the design, put videos of me from conferences, etc. Even when things were worse for me, I passed all that. I’ll be honest with you. There are people in the United States who with a digital marketing blog, having started years later than me, bill 10,000 euros per month without incurring hardly any costs. It is not that I go so far, but I have never felt like going that way.

In summary. Right now I generate 800+ clients with my blog. Buy Now telegram poll votes.

My motivation is to continue publishing a post every day

Maybe now you wonder (or not) why I keep publishing a post every day. Those who are a little attentive will know that during the week (from Monday to Friday) a new post appears here. The weekend (Saturday and Friday) the articles appear in another blog that I barely mention and/or link to. I don’t write for someone to read it, it’s more for me.

I’ve already said it several times but the main reason you’ll see me writing here for quite a while longer is because I need it. It’s a way to release tension, capture my experiences, and have a kind of diary if you want to call it that. If someone reads it well, if not, too.

I like the idea that one day my children will read my stories. Many things are forgotten and I don’t usually read my old posts. Possibly I have repeated myself more than once in an entry for not remembering that weeks, months or years ago I already touched on the same topic. It is a kind of legacy to them that is priceless or that’s how I see it.

Sometimes I am unable to give up. Changes cost me. Writing is part of my daily routine. I need it because it gives me stability. Even if I weren’t enjoying writing these lines on a daily basis, it would be hard for me to stop doing it because of the time I’ve been doing it on my back. It would be like a personal failure, I don’t know how to explain it better either.

Today there are faster and more profitable ways to attract customers through a blog. I already told you on another occasion how I would set up an SMM agency from scratch. You are still interested in reviewing the post in case you have not read it yet.

I also apologize to all those who comment and do not receive a response or receive it late. I still read each comment (although my team sometimes takes time to approve them) but I prioritize other things right now (I’m not going to lie to you that I don’t have time). Although other people say otherwise, this does not mean that I do not appreciate it enormousl.