A Free Professional Blogging and Social Media Planner

A Free Professional Blogging and Social Media Planner

After writing an article Professional Blogging is when the real work of a blogger arrives. Did you think that writing the article was the most complicated? If you want your article to be effective and attract many visitors, there are a whole series of things you need to do to boost its diffusion.

In this article, I am going to give you a series of recommendations that will help your article go much further. And, at the end of the article, you can download the Blog Planner that I have prepared for you with great care so that you do not miss a single step.

How to write professional blogging


The first part of the Blog planner is dedicated to planning

Title of the article for Professional Blogging: The title is key to attracting visits. It has to be attractive, make the topic you are going to talk about clear, serve as a hook, and contain the keyword. Too many things?  Don’t worry, you’ll soon get the hang of creating dream titles.

  • Date:

According to the experts, it is best to always post on the same day at the same time. This is something that Google likes, so it will benefit you in terms of SEO. Your readers will like it too, as they will know when to expect new content. Regularity is key in a blog.

  • Category:

The blog categories help us classify our content so that navigators can easily find what they are looking for, similar content, or of interest. They are essential. The ideal is to have few and very clear and that each content is only included in one of them. Making subcategories is not a good idea, although sometimes it is unavoidable.

  • Keyword:

Each article you write must have a keyword assigned that you can choose using Adwords and assign using an SEO plugin such as WordPress SEO by Yoast for Professional Blogging.

  • Type of article:

Depending on the theme of your blog and your target audience, there are different types of articles that you can create: articles with videos, infographics, downloadables, advice lists, opinion articles, comparisons between two products or services, interviews, etc. Choose the types of articles that your audience likes the most and alternate them evenly over time.

  • Ideas:

Here you can plan the ideas you have for the article in question, write down sources, points you want to cover, etc.

  • Call to action:

It’s always good to end an article with a call to action, whether it’s to encourage comments, encourage sharing, or get your readers to subscribe to receive more content.


Check that everything is ok

The next part is a checklist of all the things that I think are essential to check so that your article is polished. This way you will avoid unwanted oversights that harm the success of your article.

  • Spelling/Grammar:

It is very important to correct the spelling and grammar of the article before publishing. It is very easy for a small mistake to sneak in. Do not trust 100% of the automatic correctors, which will only show you the most obvious errors. When in doubt, 4 eyes see better than two, don’t hesitate to ask another person for help to review your post.

  • Image tags:

It is important that you include an attractive image and, when uploading it, fill in the title, alternative text and description fields with the keyword chosen for the post. Professional Blogging Optimize the size of the image, heavy images slow down the performance of your website.


  • SEO:

Check that you have filled in all the fields required by your preferred SEO plugin and that the SEO of your article is as good as possible. Pay attention to the suggestions that the plugin gives you and correct the bugs that can improve the optimization of your post for search engines.

  • Featured Image:

Don’t forget to assign the article’s featured image. Many Professional Blogging WordPress templates use this image to display the articles on your blog.

  • Appropriate category:

Your article is in the appropriate category, there should be no article in the “uncategorized” category that comes by default in WordPress.

  • Check links:

Check that all the links you have added in your article open in a different tab and go to the right place.

  • Make internal links:

It is always advisable to make links within the content to other articles that expand information on a specific topic that you mention in the article.

  • Scheduled Item:

Check that your item is scheduled for the correct date and time.

  • Article published:

After the publication date, check that there have been no errors and that your article has been published without a problem.

  • Scheduled Newsletter:

Schedule the sending of the article to your subscribers, also here it is advisable that you do it always on the same day at the same time.

  • Newsletter sent:

Check that the newsletter has been sent correctly.


And now it’s time to spread it on social networks

  • Google plus:

Share the article on your Google plus page and on your personal profile. On Google plus there are hundreds of very active communities on different topics.

Enter the communities related to the topics you deal with in the blog and share your articles in them whenever you publish.

Remember to participate actively in the communities, and only publish your articles if they are going to be interesting for the people in the group and in groups of interests directly related to the subject matter.

  • Facebook:

Share the article on your company page, and from there also share it on your personal profile. I advise you to belong to Facebook groups related to the theme of your blog to be able to share your articles there as well, this will trigger visits to your website. Follow the same recommendations as in the Google plus communities if you don’t want to be perceived as a spammer.

  • Twitter:

On Twitter, you can share the same content more than once throughout the week. Always use different catchphrases and images each time you share them to encourage clicks from your followers. You can do it 3-5 times in a week. Don’t forget to use hashtags to appear in searches.

  • Linkedin:

Share the article on your LinkedIn profile and if you have a LinkedIn company page, there too. Like G+ and Facebook, LinkedIn has interest groups for professionals. I advise you to join those that have a connection with your niche and that you also share your articles with them every time you publish.

  • Instagram:

Although you can’t share a link on Instagram, you can create an image over your article and tell your followers that they can find it on your blog. You can put a link to your blog on your Instagram profile. Also do not forget to use hashtags on Instagram, here do not cut yourself and use a lot.

  • Pinterest:

Pin your article on Pinterest choosing the most attractive image, and always include a comment about the content of the article to arouse interest.

If you are part of a group board that has to do with the topic of your article, you can pin it there too. Just remember that if the item doesn’t fit well in that group because of its theme or you abuse this option, you’ll get the opposite effect to the one you want.
